


So I read this post by my sister, Liz a while ago.And I was walking one day and realized that my mom was in better shape than I was.Which I guess is okay, since she didn’t have a baby a little while back, and pregnancy totally ruins your physical fitness.But still.

Indirectly encouraged by my mom and my sister, I woke up and decided I would go running.

Here are some of the things I haven’t liked about running:

  • I just want to stop.
  • Running shoes (and I just don’t have a pair).
  • Changing my clothes in order to work out.
  • Pounding.
  • I have this thing where if I go to far away from home, I get nervous and want to turn back, so going very far has been difficult.
Really, running hurts.Not fun.That has been my attitude.
Today, I ran a little bit differently:
  • I didn’t have any goals about how far or how long I would go; I was just running to run.So I didn’t run any more than I wanted to and what feel good.
  • I ran barefoot.Yes, completely barefoot.
  • I ran in my pajamas (which was a pair of black sweat pants and a t-shirt, so I looked okay).
  • I ran with someone.Namely, my baby.
I refuse to start a running program, measuring miles and etc.I refused to time how much I’m running.And I refuse to buy and wear running shoes.
But today, when I was done, I was actually quite happy with myself.I actually enjoyed running.Usually, that doesn’t happen.
Instead of thinking that it hurts, I tried to realize how it actually felt good.

march calendar for 2011