
Aug 11, Who Is Going To Pay for Healthcare?

Aug 11, Who Is Going To Pay for Healthcare? Kansas and Oklahoma have returned U.S.federal grants that were intended to be used to start a trial run for Obamacare.This appears to be a wise move, considering the shaky U.S.financial condition.
Some Americans have long admired the so-called single-payer healthcare systems prevalent in Europe and some other countries.Now, it seems that these systems are as unsustainable as the U.S.Social Security arrangement -- and for much the same reason: Too many people collecting benefits (from the huge Baby Boomer generation), and too few workers now paying into the systems.
To further complicate matters, I saw that Medicare will be reducing reimbursements to doctors by more than ten percent.This will only speed the rush of doctors into retirement and other sources of employment.
A survey taken during the fight over Obamacare indicated that, if it became law, about 40 percent of doctors were planning to leave the profession.
This brings me to the subject I think you should consider when planning your health future: Are you taking care of your health now, so that you will not need expensive and possibly hard-to-get medical services later in life? From what I've seen and read, I don't believe our health is simply the result of a cosmic crapshoot, where some of us are destined genetically to have mysterious medical ailments that couldn't have been prevented.That may be true in a small minority of cases, but not for the majority (who seem to find comfort in believing it anyway).
I imagine that most of you reading this blog on a semi-regular basis are interested in doing what you can to improve your health through natural means.I'm doing that, myself.quickest way to lose weight best diets diet meal plans
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