
Warm Up Drills for Soccer Kids

Warm Up Drills for Soccer Kids

Warm-up drills are an often overlooked part of a pre-match or pre-training program.However, injuries through failure to warm up properly are more common than you may think, even for children, so doing some light Multi Movements
Use the square half of a pitch as your warm-up area.Lightly jog across the touchline as far as the halfway point.Turn left or right to face back across the pitch and sprint until you reach the other side, raising your knees as high as possible.Turn once more, and carefully run backward until you reach the next line.Then turn one final time and in a side-on motion, move by jumping across the pitch, bending your knees fully and adding power with use of your arms, until you reach your original starting point.Repeat three times.
Place cones 2m apart across the length of half a pitch.Split players into groups of approximately six, with half of the groups placed at one end of the cones and half at the other.Give each player in a group a ball, and set them off one at a time dribbling through the cones, starting each queuing player once the child in front has reached the third cone.When players reach the top cone, they pa*s the ball to a member of the next waiting group, then turn and sprint back to their end of the pitch, joining the back of the queue.Repeat twice.
Keep Ball
Mark out square sections with cones, approximately 10m by 10m.Split children into teams of six and designate three as attackers and three as defenders.Attackers must concentrate on keeping the ball, defenders on trying to intercept the ball.Whistle to commence the game.Time two minutes, and whistle again to prompt the children to swap over their roles.Continue for eight minutes, then rest.

News: Samuel Kohan, PhD, Psychoanalyst Video